Joel is a Utah native, born in Salt Lake City and raised in Cache Valley. With both his father and grandfather as role models, Joel, his younger brother and father would embark on weekend adventures through the Wasatch Mountains, often on four wheeler, traveling over 100 miles in a single weekend. Trips often involved Joel, his younger brother, and father all riding a classic 2wd Honda 4 Wheeler. Taking turns, the brothers would switch from steering to riding the rear rack of the wheeler while their father remained in the middle, teaching and guiding them through backcountry dirt roads. Highlights of every trip were the deer and elk sighting. Always stopping to watch how they interact with their surroundings. In later years, these mountainous adventures evolved into longer hunting trips, still with his brother and father.
Joel's grandfather added to his love for hunting, fishing, and nature. It was with his grandfather that Joel traversed out of state to places like California and Washington where they'd fish and even bear watch, further amplifying his respect for nature. Joel soon took up Boy Scouts, seeking more opportunities for adventure. It's no surprise that High Adventure Camp quickly became his focus. Later, Joel attended the 2005 National Boy Scout Jamboree and has since served as a Scout Master in his local troop. For Joel, it couldn't be more obvious that the backcountry, away from the city, is what truly feels like home.
Now that Joel has a family of his own, his favorite outdoor activities are now shared with his two boys. Often teaching lessons and making memories in the rugged mountains of Idaho. Passing down tribal knowledge to his sons, originally learned from his father and grandfather, only contributes more to Joel's love and life long relationship with the outdoors. The love for nature continues to root itself generation after generation fueled by real life experiences outdoors and most importantly through family.